Parque das Aves (Park of Birds)
Saturday January 17, 2015
We visited the Parque das Aves today. The bird park! We had a nice sleep-in due to the late-ish previous night. We headed out with our friend Jackson (USA). He's leaving to head back home today, so this would be his last activity. We got to see all kinds of beautiful and amazing birds. They had a massive aviary full of macaws – probably 60-80 of them flying all around and making quite the racket. In the pictures you can see rheas, flamingos, toucans, cassowaries, and more!
Upon returning to the hostel, we had quite a downpour of rain. The hostel was hosting a big rock and roll party, so tons of people filled the space and the place exploded! Sandra and I hopped out for a quick bite to eat at the same Acai place we'd been last night: she liked it that much!
Top 40 pop music is quite popular here in Brazil. We've never heard so many girls screaming the lyrics to "High All The Time" before. We wondered if they had any idea what they were saying…
It's our last night in the Tetris Container Hostel. Tomorrow we spent one night with Jason (our local USA connection), before taking the bus to Buenos Aires.